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Video Localization and Translation Services
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Enrich Your Audiences With High
Quality Video Content in Any Language

The power of video content is undeniable. Reach an unlimited number of people by broadcasting your message with clarity in any language, platform or format with Andovar’s professional video translation and localization services.

Our Services

One of Andovar’s star features are its powerful AI tools, which recognize over 30 languages and automatically transcribe speech. Human experts correct any errors in a more time efficient manner than traditional methods can ever achieve--allowing us to provide quick turnaround on requests from clients around the world with ease!

    A pre-stage task involves the use of AI to accurately transcribe and review videos. Precision time stamps are added following timed style guide specifications resulting in a ready-made template to effectively proceed with to the translation stage.

      We know that every language has its own unique flavor, which is why we provide subtitles in over 200 different languages. Our subtitlers are experts at turning international TV scripts into something more appropriate for your region's culture and tastes—they'll get you through any content without losing what makes it great!

        We're experts in adapting your content to the streaming services and SDH accessibility requirements. We work with you every step of way so that there are no surprises when it comes time for release!

          If you are creating a voiceover for an international audience, it is important that the script be provided in bilingual format with clearly marked character names and pronunciation guidelines. You should also follow file naming conventions so listeners know what each line says without having to guess at unclear terms or phrases such as company jargon and acronyms which may exist within your industry's vocabulary.

            Andovar provides viewers with a high-quality audio experience that matches the video they are watching. The company’s sync function ensures seamless syncing of your device's speakers to those within any given program or movie, allowing you not only hear what is being said but feel it too!

              Need to render, edit, or reshoot a video to adapt it optimally for a different audience? We’ll cast actors, scout shooting locations, direct and film in any language or locale.
